Turkey Usak to Salda Lake

I didn’t know it but it was going to be a great day. The TET wasn’t far off and the first section was narrow rutted roads, giving way to a trail just after this bridge

It’s a waterfall created by diverting water through a hydro-electric plant.

The gravel path was easy going and took me to Ulubey Canyon, the second biggest canyon in the world.

Dropping down Ulubey Canyon
Breath taking scenery as you wind your way down one side and up the other
It just looks so good
The climb out of the canyon was fun
Later in the day I came across this place. Advertised as a waterfall it was seriously devoid of water, but a beautiful place
It was pretty much closed for the season but staff rustled me up some food and even hooked a few wallnuts from the tree for me
There were some great fast bits on the way to Salsa
Arriving at Salda Lake I wasn’t prepared for my hotel to be so good
A room with a view

Salda and its lake are quite unique. The lake is a crater lake and is 200m deep with a stunning white sandy shoreline. I 2021 NASA declared an interest in building a research centre here because its structure and minerals are almost identical to those found on Mars.

Author: benjackson63

A new adventure biker just starting out on my blogging adventures.

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