Season 2. (1)

Ok Sweden and Norway are done. I’m not sure I have a plan now but the next three days can be compressed into this.

I rode to Kristiansand and boarded a ferry to Denmark.

The ride to Kristiansand was basic on a main road with all of Norways charm as expected. I did narrowly avoid a speeding ticket.

The ferry took me to Denmark and a cabin hotel in Aalborg. I needed to be in Hamburg in 36hrs to get the bike serviced at a Honda dealer.

Photo courtesy of FeralMoto #TOTU

I made it to Hamburg but the campsite looked awful so I searched for a hotel. They were all booked for a convention and those with a room wanted €315 a night. I found another campsite outside of town and bonus only 10 minutes from the Honda dealer.

The next morning I dropped the bike off and had a coffee with the mechanic as we chatted bikes.

Then public transport back to the camp to make the most of the clothes washing and drying facilities.

The bike was done and they even had a set of fork seals set aside. They couldn’t fit them but it will make getting them done easier at a later date.

I did manage to get to one tourist place.

Miniature world is on 4 floors of a warehouse. Every floor is full of miniature cities
They even have the ice church from Tromsø

It was now gone 6pm and suddenly I felt unwell. Cometely drained and light headed. That will be the result of a busy day on one cup of coffee then. To the restaurant and I drank a coke to fire me up whilst I ordered a veggie chilli.

Finally a walk along the harbour and back for a sleep.
A floating dry dock

Leaving Hamburg the next morning I routed for Prague avoiding motorways. That resulted in an hour journey through Hamburg in heavy traffic. 20 minutes in the rain started. I put on full waterproofs. Minutes later it was torrential rain. After my hour in city traffic I ditched non motorway in favour of miles to outrun the rain. 7hrs, 350km later the rain stopped. I was soaked through. No way was I camping as I’d never get stuff dry. had a place for £25 just 3.1 miles away in Querenhorst. Click, non refundable, directions 31 miles back into the rain!!

However it was so very worth it. A house to myself with everything including washer/dryer, huge bath and a stocked bar.

Author: benjackson63

A new adventure biker just starting out on my blogging adventures.

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