Norway 5 Bardufoss to Lodingen (197 km)

I set off about 10am headed towards Lofoten. I was fairly sure I wouldn’t make the islands today.

A short morning hike to this cool little waterfall. The water was freezing cold

I made a few navigation errors and one led me to this cool church. I found out that the red paint used on so many Norweigan buildings is an oil based byproduct of the steel industry. Once painted on it protects the wood for up to 18 years.

A quick k ferry hop between Melbu and Stønstad.

Then onto Lodingen to a great little campsite. The place has no staff, you just pay at a parking meter. There were facilities and a toasty hot shower.

I covered about 250km today as I didnt take the direct route

Author: benjackson63

A new adventure biker just starting out on my blogging adventures.

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